
Traffic regulation order and speed limit order proposal assessment
Highway/Traffic assessment reports
Minor highway & traffic engineering civil works
Vehicular speed investigation and mitigation proposals
ARF Highway Services provides consultancy services to assist various highways and traffic schemes you may currently have or are proposing. All consultancy services are delivered professionally and with due diligence while we will liaise and update with you throughout every a and, where required, connect with our consultancy partners and external organisations to ensure your requirements are met Examples of the consultancy services we currently provide are:
Highway/Traffic assessments reports
Minor highway and traffic engineering works
Traffic regulation order and Speed limit order proposal assessments (including vehicular parking assessments)
Vehicular speed and road safety investigation, assessment and mitigation proposals
Assessing highway infrastructure condition

ARF Highway Services - Consultancy Services (highway assessment report)

ARF Highway Services - Consultancy Services (speed mitigating measures)

ARF Highway Services - Consultancy Services (community liaison)

ARF Highway Services - Consultancy Services (highway assessment report)